
The pinnacle of adulthood

You often hear the constant blabbering of 'I wish I was an adult' , 'I am not a baby', 'I can make my own decisions', well basically the stuff that make 'being an adult' look good. Well, I am not saying that being independent and happy is bad. But the consequences of being an adult is kinda disturbing. Okay,give me a chance, let me explain. Do you remember times when people get really serious-eyed (I don't think that's a correct description. Damn it,grammar Nazis) and they take your hand in theirs and say "You are just beginning to live life. You'll face a lot of problems in future". Well, the first time I heard this was when one of my teacher held the class for a break to explain her life story and trust me, her eyes became foggy,she stuttered when she said 'difficulties', and had a fearful expression on my face. It scared the fuck out of me. So why was the journey of an adult so full of emotions?   I am not talking abou

When she said "Thank You".

With a broken heart and a thoughtless mind, I share this incident.   On a rainy day, sitting idly,just thinking about nothing particularly, I decided to call my grandma. Well, she is really something, a one of a kind. A person never gets tired of her talking. Exactly the reason why I decided to call her. And I can't stop being guilty about that. I dialled her number and it ringed a few times. When she picked up,I spoke happily. She was confused as to who she was speaking and when I told my name, the surprise in her voice made my heart sink. And then the second pang of guilty hit me. Me calling her came across as a surprise? I knew the reason but I was too sad to accept it - the changing shades of humanity. We talked till our mouths were dry. I missed everything about her. Her laugh,her shabby long hair,her giggles when I tell her my school stories,her school-girl expressions when I talk about boys. She was my mother. Well,she played the role of a mother to me and that too be

The old person in us..

Yes, today I am going to talk to you like an old person (only smarter and prettier :P ). By meaning old person ,I am not going to shower you with advices or keep talking to you even though you start to ignore me (They need to know the truth but seriously no offence grandpas and grannies) but just going to say...    I can't actually explain to you how much I regret a day not spend happily. It doesn't mean that I don't cry over every day I was not happy but I simply regret because I couldn't be. The reason why I am writing this,really pathetic and lonely post is because I was really sad, no, lonely when I couldn't meet most of my friends on our last day. Okay,you probably might think that I am not going to see any of my friends for my entire life. No,I just meant that I regret not meeting them on 'that' day.   I hate when people say 'Don't have regrets' but I am sorry because I don't believe in that. I have regrets and I accept them, maybe

The Woman I thought I knew.

We fight back tears sometimes. Or try to fight back tears. It doesn't make sense,these tears and stuff. Why can't they come out at our command rather than flowing out by itself without no one to hold it back. It is a cruel trick of the nature. At times,they are uninvited,at times they are hoped,at times they help us relax but still... Sleeping beside her, I stared at her watering eyes. It was happy tears. She kept on repeating the story and yelling out squeals of happiness at times. Usually, I just told her to stop but today I didn't feel like it. I didn't want to steal that 2 hours of extreme happiness from her. She just looked so graceful saying that story. If we don't have someone to share our happiness with, it leads to nothing. A moment is lost like that, with ignorance. I was keen not to shout at her as she kept on repeating how happy she was because I wanted her to enjoy the freedom and liveliness she sacrificed for us. This is the least I could do. It w

The Girl with the Hat.

 Lining up for the assembly is the most dreaded thing on school days as we are sleep-deprived and also have an instinct that we are going to stand like this for one hour. Dragging our legs on the floor while the teachers command through the mike to move in silence. After standing in line, we have wait for five minutes to let the other block heads to position themselves. Hopping from one leg to another to ease the pain, some are leaning against the pillars while the energetic ones are chatting their ears off. Suddenly,there was a hushed silence which was followed by couple of giggles. I wanted to see what was drawing a lot of attention when I saw a glimpse of a girl walking down the steps to the lower podium. She was in casual dress which surely indicated it was her birthday. We all wear the same uniform but birthday students are allowed to wear anything they want ,except indecent,tight dresses.( which means we have to come in the costume we sleep). The strange fact about her appeara

My sister finds her man

   This entry is dedicated to my sister and my going – to -be  brother- in -law. Welcome to our family. When my sister told me their story , I truly felt it was so romantic and wished I would have a love story like theirs ( hope my father does not see this.) . I wish to tell you what happened when they came for the girl meeting ceremony. It was a simple function , no lunch or dinner was arranged , just a normal meeting . It was totally nerve-wrecking day for both my mother and father . Me and my brother was a little tensed at meeting them , but was not so nervous as we had already seen them in photos (via Facebook) . My mom was sweating even though the AC was on , and my dad was pacing around the room with little beads of sweat on his forehead . My mom was continuously asking my sister about is he good-looking ? is he hot- tempered? will he like us ? what if is photo is fake and he is bad – looking ? I was almost about to laugh at my mom’s stupid questions. When she saw this , she s

My encounter with the real me!

Life we can never run away from the real us i always used to think i am a jolly type of a person and always remain happy . i kept believing in this concept because my friends used to say this too. but i am not here to blame my friends , but to share that incident when i found that real me . it was Christmas  and our family went on a little jolly trip to Mysore . all of my mom’s family have been living there and they invited us . first , we(me, my brother and sister) were a little shy to mingle with them but by the end of the day we became great friends . next day , we had a new visitor who happened to be the sister of the women(my mom’s second cousin) who invited us. she was a beautiful lady of my mother’s age with a clean bob and a fabulous fashion. i was friends with her daughter who was staying with her grandma and was not so suprised to hear that the lady was her mother because she herself was a pretty girl. she was just 1 year younger than me . the lady i saw was a joll