The pinnacle of adulthood

You often hear the constant blabbering of 'I wish I was an adult' , 'I am not a baby', 'I can make my own decisions', well basically the stuff that make 'being an adult' look good. Well, I am not saying that being independent and happy is bad. But the consequences of being an adult is kinda disturbing. Okay,give me a chance, let me explain. Do you remember times when people get really serious-eyed (I don't think that's a correct description. Damn it,grammar Nazis) and they take your hand in theirs and say "You are just beginning to live life. You'll face a lot of problems in future". Well, the first time I heard this was when one of my teacher held the class for a break to explain her life story and trust me, her eyes became foggy,she stuttered when she said 'difficulties', and had a fearful expression on my face. It scared the fuck out of me. So why was the journey of an adult so full of emotions?

  I am not talking about the 30-45 or more range of adulthood. I am talking about the beginning of it. First thing about being an adult, gossip gets more spicy (I am not kidding! You have to see the faces of my mom and relatives.) ,second thing : things you didn't understand before makes complete sense. Some of these might be disgusting (you know what I mean), others disturbing and some others just surprising. Third and the most ugliest thing is you understand who a person really is. Now this part is totally disturbing. Its like one minute you are in this beautiful world with amazing people and the next minute everything is destroyed and the world has transpired into dust with zombies. (Not literally. And please no 'walking dead' jokes).

  That transfer of a human being from a person with amazing personality to a one with few intentions and schemes behind the act can be both depressing and disturbing. And that is the time you feel like not growing up. You want everything to go back to normal. To being in a beautiful place and not in a mindless and cruel society. At least that's how I felt. The caring looks turning into judgement. The caressing hands coming on too strong that they leave a mark. The words which were filled with love now turning into a knife that stabs our heart each time. And the eyes that laugh turning lifeless. And the most saddest part is when you see that person again and no matter how hard they try to do good, their eyes shine with guilt that they have let us come into adulthood.

 To be honest, its an ugly phase. When I see movies where small kids become serious after a few incidents, I feel sympathy for them while knowing they long for empathy. I consider a child who has been drawn into adulthood in their early ages equal to devoid them of the happiness and memories that they can remember. When you are an adult, crying makes you strong and sometimes you feel that crying is not necessary. When a situation comes, you automatically shift to the part where you do something about it. The crying and worrying days get phased out. They get turned into a lifeless person sometimes that long to cry. They will be screaming and running inside their mind but emotionless outside. Okay maybe this is a bit too depressing but I have seen people like that and when I ask them how did you become so strong, they would smile and tell "Life made us like this and its not called being strong, its because we are weak that we let life rob us of our happiness."

  Life is good, childhood amazing, adulthood can be a little tough because you are on your own and even though it pleases you at first,you have that tiny twinge of fear. But embrace that fear and make it memorable. Stand with your hair down and let the wind play with it. Go on vacations, run till you feel that your legs might fall off, hug everyone you love and let them know how much they mean to you,eat your favorite food without worrying about being fat (now this is a necessity), make memories, dream crazy and enjoy life. Instead of letting life drag you down, take its hand, walk beside it and let it on a journey it'll never forget.

  P.S. When will I ever stop writing off-topic! Wait, you didn't feel so. ;)


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