Born together..
If someone asked us ‘who have always been there for you ?’ , most people speak about how their parents have encouraged them without letting them know any difficulties that they are facing , and how their teachers have moulded them into great personalities and how their friends and relatives have supported them. But when I think of this question, I can only think of one name and one name only , My brother. I guess even he will be surprised in this reply because even he will be wondering how he has always been there for me . I would not say that he has helped me directly but I am sure he has helped me indirectly..
Actually , I don’t know where to start so that you guys would understand what I am trying to say. Okay let me begin from here….
Once upon a time , there was a lonely princess.. he he
, I am just kidding with you ..
When I was small, I was very weak in studies. My brother always gets Ice-creams and I used to get eggs(figuratively) .My mom always used to say this to my brother ” you are my little Einstein ” and he would be all smiles . Later, she comes to me and says ” you know , eggs are also tasty ” . I used to give her my Hitler look that time , but when I think about it now , it makes me blush. I can’t imagine what I would do without her…anyway back to my story , when I was 6 , I topped in my studies. It was always a mystery about how I topped in my studies ( it was a mystery for me too
) . But now when I think about it , I came to realize that the answer was right in front of my face . Of course , even you would have guessed it now, It was my brother. Without his competition I would have never been there.
At schools , when guys tease me , I cry and when I look at him for some kind of support , he just smiles at me . Oh , did you guys think that I was going to be calm when I saw that smile , I even pounced at him for smiling at me .Now when I think about it , its feels like it was my fault , because even when he smiled at me , I could still see the humiliation I faced reflecting on him. Actually , I was just letting off my anger on my brother . I know that he feels sad for me and he is playing as a prey for me .I don’t know whether he thinks this way , and who wants to when he is pinched and scratched all over . (come on , I am not Jackie Chan , I don’t know stunts)
There was another incident and that incident made me realize that god is great .It was a hot Monday and a working day for students . There was a fight between a boy in our class and my brother and it ended in tears( only for my brother ). Friends were swarming around him and consoling him . I came to see this event a few minutes later. When I saw him , I knew he had cried a lot . Everyone knew that he would be bursting on them if they near him ( dont worry , he’s not a monster and I do it always .. ) . Many people were actually challenging me to ask him “whats the matter?”. I was not so terrified ( oh god , my legs were shaking .. ) and I did it. I was amazed because even before I could ask him , I was in tears . Later , I had people swarming around me too ( I hate this part.. ) . When I asked him about the incident after five minutes of my useless sobbing , he told me everything .I felt so special at the moment , because after telling the whole story , he smiled. I felt that I was an angel and after telling me his problems , I made them vanish and he smiled. But later I realized , he smiled because he could not control himself after seeing my tomato face ( red face , when i cry i become red).
The moment that made me realize god was great was when – you remember me sobbing over my brother and friends swarming around me , yeah , and when they asked me why I was crying, I could not think of any reasons and I was spluttering out ” I don’t know why “..
The moment that made me realize god was great was when – you remember me sobbing over my brother and friends swarming around me , yeah , and when they asked me why I was crying, I could not think of any reasons and I was spluttering out ” I don’t know why “..
Just seeing him cry ,had made me cry and I can not believe that emotions came out this fast . And the only explanation I could get was that there was a sync between us -a moment when mine and voldemort’s wand sort of connected .( sorry ,I am a bit of a potterhead ). A moment when we just shared feelings in a single blink.I really feel proud to say that I am a twin , because god made us great and I know that I can’t leave without him..
He , probably must be thunderstruck at this moment , feeling guilty that he never expressed his feelings this much.I know he always wants the best for me and of course never show this attitude outside . I just know that he will be the first one to support me when I am criticized , the first one to encourage me when I feel down , and the first one to search for me if I am lost ( maybe in your dreams , I will never leave you ..
) .
P.S. A new girl in class , good -looking, nice hair , and I would love her as my sister-in-law … (just kidding
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