The Woman I thought I knew.

We fight back tears sometimes. Or try to fight back tears. It doesn't make sense,these tears and stuff. Why can't they come out at our command rather than flowing out by itself without no one to hold it back. It is a cruel trick of the nature. At times,they are uninvited,at times they are hoped,at times they help us relax but still... Sleeping beside her, I stared at her watering eyes. It was happy tears. She kept on repeating the story and yelling out squeals of happiness at times. Usually, I just told her to stop but today I didn't feel like it. I didn't want to steal that 2 hours of extreme happiness from her. She just looked so graceful saying that story. If we don't have someone to share our happiness with, it leads to nothing. A moment is lost like that, with ignorance. I was keen not to shout at her as she kept on repeating how happy she was because I wanted her to enjoy the freedom and liveliness she sacrificed for us. This is the least I could do. It w...