Things I learnt on my Nepal trip

1. Never become your bad thoughts. 

The bumpy roads in Nepal helped me resolve my bad thoughts quickly. It was as if each plunge into the air knocked sense into me. It's always easy to have trains of thoughts following every single incident you see. Adding to your fears and traumas, adding to your doubts and trust issues but life is more than just gut feeling. Life is more than just ignoring a person because you didn't like his/her vibe, life is definitely more than what anyone can understand or explain. And the funny thing is there is always something new for you to learn, to love, to dislike and to even laugh at. Never become the thoughts that make you question who you are, if it questions you, it was never meant to be a good part of you. 

2. Papa

Daughter-father relationships are complex or they become so after a certain age where all your opinions never align. I have always questioned whether he was a good father or not. He gives me everything. Not a 'you can have everything, my love' but more of a 'I know this will be important for your future'. But despite all the lack of love and attention I could hate him forever for, I remembered how safe I felt around him sometimes, how alone he must have felt sometimes, how he was still a kid who mistook attention for love, how much I love him and how little of it I have expressed and how weak I feel when I know I can't be confident enough to tell him that I will give him the love he deserves. 

3. People you miss are everywhere

When the Grandma at the railway station walked slowly to the washroom only to relieve her before she could reach the stall because she couldn't hold it in and got surprised when she saw you but still smiled at you, you will remember your grandma back home. 

When a Russian traveler you met in a cafe shares her opinions and her peculiar laugh, someone says that she reminds him of her teacher and that he hasn't talked to her for sometime. Until others meets that teacher in person, this Russian traveler is the teacher back at home. A teacher we don't know but will never forget because he remembered her in someone we saw.

When a friend you made touches your arm to comfort you, you remember your friend who's busy making her life and how much you miss having her around. So distant from each other's life when compared to the old days but never far away in thought. 

When a couple talks about their love for each other, you see a tiny part of yourself in them. You remember someone so fondly that you know the thought of being away from them hurts. But we always forget the love, that love was finally in favor with you even if it is for a short time. 

4. You will keep traveling

All trips have good days and bad days. It shouldn't just be the good that encourages you to travel again but how you overcame the bad ones. You will come face to face with your insecurities because you will meet a lot of different people who are not there to feed your ego or keep you safe. You will have realisations when you meet people who enjoy just the way you do and people who don't. You will try out new things because you like someone, you will stop doing activities because you don't like someone. You will always love the place as much as you loved the person you were there. And always hope that the way you lived will never be different from the person you want to be. 


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