Remember me.

The world is spinning around so fast around me, I feel like I am not even a part of it. But here I am in an overpriced dress, sitting in a coffee shop, holding the coffee cup a little too tightly, taking occasional sips and pretending that it was saving me. Is this even my favourite coffee shop? Why does the coffee taste like this- a little sway from being perfect? It irritates me even more. I know something can be done to fix the coffee but I can't exactly point it out. My life feels the same. Should I take control and ask them to make me another cup? Oh, the girl looks naive. I will just chuck it. I was getting late anyway. Maybe that is what is wrong with me. Pointing it out. 

When your love life is a mess, the last place you want to be is at a wedding. Is it just me or is the happiness in the room pissing all of you? It's just me, it's just me. Why does everything look like a reminder that I am unhappy. I need to get out of here. I will just collect myself and be there when they start serving food. Just one cigarette, now where is the goddamn lighter? Why is that woman staring at me? Why is she walking towards me? Oh, here we go.

"It's a bad habit, you know.", The woman said, pointing to the cigarette in my mouth. How am I supposed to respond to that? Should I walk away? "Yeah", I said, almost spurting the cigarette out. Am I trying to look cool, talking with a cigarette in my mouth? You just embarassed myself. Just get inside and drown in your misery. The woman lets out a small laugh. "You look confused. Should we go for a walk?", She asked. 
"Oh okay. But I am straight.", I said. What is wrong with you? Are you so devoid of normal conversation that you feel like everyone who talks to you is hitting on you? Just get inside before you embarass yourself more. 
"Well that's a bummer.", She smiled. God, what a beautiful smile. Wait, am I straight? 

"It's a beautiful day.", She said, looking around. Did I make myself clear about how much I hated this day, but sure the weather was nice, the sky looked peaceful. Okay, I think it's your turn to talk, say something.
"Yes, it is.", I said. Wow, I am proud of you. 

"Favourite moment?", She asked, with such excited eyes. Oh goddamn it, not this bullshit again. We had reached a beautiful lawn, and she sat down. What was it about her? I was really bad at pointing out but what was it.
"You go first?", I said, with a low voice. 
"No, you.", She laughed. 
"Umm I like taking photos of beautiful stuff, broken stuff, anything that stops me. I like how the moment is all mine. The photos don't even come close to what I witness. You know? When they ask confused 'what about this? I don't see it.' I'll be like 'You won't get it, you had to be there.'", I stopped, laughing a little. Wow, where did that come from?
She laughed along with me. That was nice.
"Would this be a moment you'd take a picture of?", She asked. I didn't think twice before taking out my phone. She didn't pose for me. She just looked at me. Even though each moment had its own beauty, this was something surreal. "Remember me.",she said holding up my chin from the photo I couldn't stop looking at, planted a kiss on my cheek, and placed a yellow flower in my palm, closing it with her own palm. She smiled. 
"I..this..who are yo-", I stumbled with words. She stood up and started walking away.
"What's yours? Your favourite moment?", I asked, in a hurry. In a hurry to make her stay, to see her again. To point it out.
She turned around. "That I get to see you in your dreams."
I wake up with a shudder. I still remember. I still remember you. I open my hands. There, a yellow flower, crumpled in its place. A sign of magic. I rush out of my bed to get my phone. 


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