About a man

New people. There's something so eccentric about meeting new people. They all could have different places in your life. Some with whom you will connect so easily, some who you'll avoid after a single conversation, some that you get stuck with, and some you wished you had never met. You were somewhere in between. Could connect easily but sometimes I wished we'd never met because you put my morals, my values and myself to test. A test which I have been avoiding for long. And for good reason. You sit across from me and we talk. Talk. Everything went beyond my head. Everything I heard, every song link that you sent, every single time you said I looked pretty. This man just wants to get in my pants, that is what I first thought of you. A little degrading, I know. Or maybe I don't know. You used just the right words always, ah fuck. The way you talked could give anyone an orgasm. If I met you 3 years back, I would be in love with you. But we meet now and I despise you. I ha...