The signs.

She wiped the tears off her child's face as we play with the dews of dawn we find on leaves ; completely immersed in the idea to not leave any imprints. The slight dragging of the dews that leaves behind its remnants are what the mother's frustation of not being able to deprive it's child of its sorrow is made of. I couldn't stop looking at the mother and her two children at the bus-stand. I didn't know if the baby was hers, but the boy was. They had identical eyes. Amber eyes, the kind that poets dwelled in, lovers drowned in, and the kind that always has a lovely metaphor with it; unlike how they looked now, abandoned. The boy caught me looking at them, and I smiled at him. He didn't return the gesture and stiffened under my eyes. I felt guilty and looked away. But I couldn't look away for long, there was something about them. An aura of mystery, blanketed despair hovering around their body, and the way his mother smiled, something just didn't f...