The pinnacle of adulthood

You often hear the constant blabbering of 'I wish I was an adult' , 'I am not a baby', 'I can make my own decisions', well basically the stuff that make 'being an adult' look good. Well, I am not saying that being independent and happy is bad. But the consequences of being an adult is kinda disturbing. Okay,give me a chance, let me explain. Do you remember times when people get really serious-eyed (I don't think that's a correct description. Damn it,grammar Nazis) and they take your hand in theirs and say "You are just beginning to live life. You'll face a lot of problems in future". Well, the first time I heard this was when one of my teacher held the class for a break to explain her life story and trust me, her eyes became foggy,she stuttered when she said 'difficulties', and had a fearful expression on my face. It scared the fuck out of me. So why was the journey of an adult so full of emotions? I am not talking abou...