Days to live.

There are days we wish we didn't get to live, There are days we hope to relive once more, There are days that hold no meaning and light, There are days when you become a mirage of dreams, There are days when the hot shower is your solace, There are days when you feel like nothing could hold you back, There are days when you lie on your mother's lap crying, There are days you seek out your bestfriend for a piece of mind, There are days when you remember things you don't want to, There are days you feel like nothing could fix the cracks on your heart, There are days when you dance foolishly around your room, There are days you can't stop giggling thinking about the guy you met, There are days when you hold out your hands to the sky and catch a star, There are days when you become one with the beautiful sky, And there are days. Maybe that's all we need to hold onto, That there will always be days to live.