When she said "Thank You".

With a broken heart and a thoughtless mind, I share this incident. On a rainy day, sitting idly,just thinking about nothing particularly, I decided to call my grandma. Well, she is really something, a one of a kind. A person never gets tired of her talking. Exactly the reason why I decided to call her. And I can't stop being guilty about that. I dialled her number and it ringed a few times. When she picked up,I spoke happily. She was confused as to who she was speaking and when I told my name, the surprise in her voice made my heart sink. And then the second pang of guilty hit me. Me calling her came across as a surprise? I knew the reason but I was too sad to accept it - the changing shades of humanity. We talked till our mouths were dry. I missed everything about her. Her laugh,her shabby long hair,her giggles when I tell her my school stories,her school-girl expressions when I talk about boys. She was my mother. Well,she played the role of a mother to me and that too be...